Top Ten Tuesday: My Dream Party Built Out of Things From Books

This week I’ve decided to take part in ‘Top Ten Tuesday’ again hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is ‘things I’d have at my bookish themed party’. I’ve put a slight spin on this and decided to describe a dream party I would throw full of things from books, so my topic is ‘my dream part built out of books’. I’m not sure what kind of party this is, or what it’s for, but what the party is intended for is never important once you’re at the party.

Hogwart’s Great Hall’s Ceiling

I mean really, you can’t have any ceiling other than this can you? I would enchant this to be bright at the start of the evening, and as it got later I would let the sky darkern and fill with stars and have candles floating like in the pictures above (minus the Christmas trees)

Divergent’s Chocolate Cake

Now no party is really a party without cake, no matter what the party is for you have to have cake. I still remember Tris trying chocolate cake for the first time in Divergent at Dauntless, and I’m not sure why that moment stuck with me but it has to make an appearance in this list for that reason.

The Selection’s Dresses

Now I don’t like ‘The Selection’ by Kiera Cass, but I’ve got to admit the covers for that series is stunning. The dresses from those covers would have to make an appearence at the party if it were formal.

The character’s from Strange The Dreamer

These aren’t really my dream fictional party guests, but really everyone from that duology should be invited to a party at some point. Everyone goes through an awful time and they all suffer quite a lot, so I think it would be nice for them to experience a party for the first time – and why not mine?

The island from Circe

Now I know I said I would have the ceiling from Hogwart’s Great Hall and so the building the party was held in would have to be big and grand enough to suit that. I’m picturing a grand white building with floor to ceiling glass windows – I’ve drawn inspiration from a building in el retiro park in Madrid. I picture this building sat on the island featured in ‘Circe’ by Madeline Miller. That way guests could not only party all across the island, so they could go to the beach or if they wanted a break they could go for a stroll through the woodland.

What things from books would you have at your dream party?

39 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Dream Party Built Out of Things From Books

  1. I think you would need the Back to school-feast from Hogwarts too! 😃 Also, maybe the campfire from Percy Jackson for afterwards? 😃
    This is such a great idea. I haven’t participated in todays TTT because I could not think of a way to fulfill the prompt. But your idea is marvellous. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This would for sure be a winning party! Can we combine the Hogwarts Great Hall ceiling with the Hogwarts library as the venue? Because I think that’d be so perfect that I’d swear I’d died and gone to heaven. Setting it on an island sounds absolutely perfect, too! The only thing your party is missing is Gandalf’s legendary fireworks for evening entertainment. 😉

    Here’s my TTT post.

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  3. I am so with you on the Hogwarts ceiling! 😍 I actually have a Pinterest board full of nice buildings (and plenty of beautiful ceilings) because I just like looking at them! But also, I would like to be there. The only problem I can see happening would be the neck pain. Because if I had a ceiling (or even SAW a ceiling) like that Hogwarts one I would only be looking up for the entire time I’m in that room! 😂
    Great post! Would love to attend a party like this! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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